Animal vs Human

七早八早就到动物园一游, 希望能避开人群。没有人群的动物园是摄影的天堂, 这句话是当真。看着一群吵吵闹闹的人群,心里会开始怀疑 - 人与动物的区别。 当天我的汽车给人喷脏水, 真的希望那是动物所为。叹!

Recent reading from 'The 33 Strategies of War' by Robert Greene:
Despite human progress, there is always a part of us that remains animal, and that animal part can respond only to what is most immediate in our environment - it is incapable of thinking beyond the moment. Be focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it; be human, not animal.


今天拜访一位患癌的人, 他告诉我:我信奉宗教了。他曾经是位无神论者, 癌症改变了他。对他来说, 有信仰是件好事,参加宗教活动让他认识很多关心他的教友。 在他身体出现问题及接受治理时得到别人的关切, 对他的病会很有帮助。

美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)最近宣称:“即病人可以通过向现实或虚幻的造世主诉说痛苦来寻求安慰。认为已经有了确切答案的想法,即“可以从祈祷中寻找到答案”的观点使许多医学界人士深感不安,哪怕这个“答案”只是源于个人的潜心思考。

对他的病, 我爱莫能助, 只能默默的祝福。-_-


Can't remember when exactly i started practising yoga. Perhaps in April 2007 (Connie might be able to recall for me). Many thanks to my first instructor, Mayer and also to my yoga mates. They are fun & helpful (Szeling, Isabelle and Connie, dont stop practising). Hope to meet them again.

Need help in performing the head stand !!!

Love Curse

..."I can't be calm when facing him. For other guys that i like, they remind me of him. For those i've rejected, they have nothing in common with him. It is radiculous of me for thinking of him that i've no longer know. Technically, this is an undefined problem, the s-field formula suggests that this is not solvable:

This bad sector requires memory erasure or formatting. God! please send someone for rescue!"...

不听,不讲,不看, 不能不想

不听,不讲,不看, 不能不想 - 酸甜苦辣

: 他/她欣赏别的女/男生; 爱人结婚了, 新娘/郎不是我;他/她累/辛苦了

: 他/她的细心/付出;成就感

: 钱不够用;他/她的菜/笑话很烂

: 难搞的工作/客人/老板