Book: A Step By Step Guide To Getting Your Financial Life On Track

There are many financial advising media. This is one of the e-book i came across online. It is provided for free on .

The agenda in any financial book is almost the same. The topics covered in this e-book:
  1. Protect yourself and your family first: insurance, look out for term insurance that give you protection and saving returns. I cancel my previous life & invest insurance, i find that it is best to separate investment from insurance. Together, they won't work to optimum.
  2. Manage your money flow: a useful budgeting spreadsheet is provided I've downloaded it and will use it for my new SG money tracking.
  3. Get yourself out of debt: I will try to settle my car loan earlier. But for my 0% interest student loan, may pay according to schedule.
  4. Start accumulating wealth
  5. Learn how to make more money
"If you are working at a job, you can earn more money in working more hours or getting a pay raise. Company bonus is really not reliable as it name suggest. "

Other ways to make more money:
1. Inherit from someone
2. Win lottery
3. Have your money earn more money for you
4. Buy or build a business or asset that can earn you money even if you are not there to run it

In short, this e-book is very simple and basic, good for beginner and for revision. I like the free spreadsheet provided.

HTC Legend

My prepaid phone subscription is approaching expiry, i am thinking to replace it with a postpaid phone package in SG.

One good thing of phone service is SG is there are many options, and phone plan normally come with discounted-price handset. So, i should get myself a new handset instead of having a dual sim handset.

Everyone is talking about iPhone and more and more people are holding one. I think iPhone is really an attractive piece of technology, but Apple teaches us to 'think differently'. Maybe i am just not willing to spend that much of $ on iPhone & the data plan. Check out the prices of iPhone plan under StarHub, Singtel and M1

I want an iPhone compatible smartphone with a reasonable data plan. So, definitely i am looking into Android phone. Haha, Android vs Apple. HTC Desire is great but i don't want to spend extra and its OS is Windows Mobile (nothing exciting on the OS). Finally, i get HTC Legend.

I am sticking with Singtel for the new plan. As a foreigner in SG, i find it very troublesome to provide 'proof of address' (tenant agreement, employment letter, CPF statement, ect) when signing up a new plan. At the end of the day, i paid SGD368 for my HTC Legend (Singtel customer gets SGD50 discount). My company Corporate Individual Scheme (CIS) gives ~13% discount on the talk plan for 24 months, free incoming calls, 100 min free talktime, 500 free local sms (free auto roam, caller ID for limited period, SIM card & registration waived).

So, a new Android phone to play now :)

Singtel price plan, Starhub price plan, M1 price plan

Book: Inside Steve's Brain by Leander Kahney 2008

What's inside his brain:

  • Focus means saying no. Jobs focuses Apple's limited resources on a small number of projects it can execute well.
  • Stay focused means do not allow feature creep. Keep things simple, which is a virtue in a world of overly complex technology.
  • Generate alternatives and pick the best. Jobs insists on choices.
  • Don't be afraid to start from scratch. Mac OS X was worth doing over, even if it took one thousand programmers three years of nonstop toil to do it.
  • Avoid the Osborne effect. keep the new goodies secret until they are ready to ship, lest customers stop buying the current stuff while waiting for new stuff.
  • Don't shit on your doorstep. Apple's engineers hated the old Mac OS, but Jobs ordered a positive spin on it.
  • Don't listen to your customers. They don't know what they want.
  • Don't compromise. Jobs's obsession with excellence has created a unique development process that churns out truly great products.
  • Design is function, not form. For Jobs, design is the way the product works.
  • Respect materials. The iMac was plastic. The iPhone is glass. Their forms follow the materials they are made from.
  • Partner only with A players and fire bozos. Talented staff are a competitive advantage that puts you ahead of your rivals.
  • Don't listen to yes man. Argument and debate foster creative thinking. Jobs wants partners who challenge his ideas.
  • Find a passion for your work. Jobs has it, and it's infectious.
  • Become a great intimidator, inspire through fear and a desire to please.
  • Study the market and the industry. Jobs is constantly looking to see what new technologies are coming down the pike.
  • Don't consciously think about innovation. Systematizing innovation is like watching Michael Dell try to dance. Painful.
  • Concentrate on products. Products are the gravitational force that pulls it together.
  • Steal. Be shameless about stealing other people's great ideas.
  • Connect. For Jobs, creativity is simply connecting things.
  • Burn the boats, Jobs killed the most popular iPod to make room for new, thinner model. Burn the boats, and you must stand and fight.
  • If you miss the boat, work hard to catch up. Jobs initially failed to see the digital music revolution but soon caught up.
  • Look for vectors going in time - bigger changes in the wider world that can be used to your advantage. The iPod greatly benefited from improvements in batteries and screens driven by the cell phone industry.
  • Embrace the team. The iPod does not have a sole progenitor, there is no single Podfather. It is never just one person - success always has many fathers.

Book: Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps, Barbara & Allan Pease

A very interesting book.

Chapter 1. Same species, different worlds
  • The wiring of our brain in the worm and the effect of hormones will determine how we think and behave.

Chapter 2. Making perfect sense
  • A boy does not really lose skin sensitivity at puberty, it just all goes to one area.

Chapter 3. It's all in the mind
  • Men joke that they sleep by the door of their first marital home for a quick getaway. In truth, it's pure defender instinct.
  • Males have limited abilities when it comes to speech and conversation
  • Because women use both sides of their brains, many find it more difficult to tell their left hand from their right.
  • Brain wiring test. (my score was slightly mascurine for a female , haha: a score of 110, lower than the normal range 150-300.

Chapter 4. Talking and listening
  • Mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually disappointed to receive only short grunts in reply.
  • If men want to get on better with women, then they need to talk more.
  • To impress men in business, a woman needs to keep her thoughts inside her head and only talk about conclusion.
  • Men need to understand that when a woman talks, she is not expecting him to respond with solutions.
  • Women need to understand that when men does not talk, that is not a cue that something is wrong.
  • The first rule of talking to a man: keep it simple! Give him only one thing at a time to think about.
  • Men usually only interrupt each other if they are becoming competitive or aggressive.
  • Men love big words, meaning of words is important. But a woman will use words that she does not really mean.
  • If a woman is talking to you a lot, she likes you. If she is not talking to you, you are in trouble.
  • Indirect talk builds rapport among women - but if often does not work with men because they do not understand the rules.
  • Women use the 'girlie' voice to counteract the power of the large body size and others use it to encourage protective behavior in men they like.

Chapter 5. Spatial ability: maps, targets and parallel parking
  • The majority women have limited spatial ability
  • She has no sense of direction, but he can never find socks in his drawer
  • To have a happy life: never insist that a woman read a map or street directory
  • Where equal spatial ability exists, women can perform at a higher level than men
  • If you want to persuade a woman to go with a certain set of plans, show her a three dimensional version

Chapter 6. Thoughts, attitudes, emotions and other disaster areas
  • Boys like things, girls like people
  • Boys compete, girls co-operate
  • Boys want power and status, girls want relationships and co-operation
  • Girls will ostracize a girl who exerts authority by thinking she is bossy.
  • Men have side-by-side friendships based on things and achievements, women have face-to-face friendships based on emotional sharing.
  • If a woman is unhappy in her relationships, she cant concentrate on her works. If a man is unhappy at work he cant focus on his relationships.
  • Man leave his woman if he feels he cant make her happy. Woman leaves a man not because she is unhappy with what he can provide, but because she is emotionally unfulfilled.
  • Men hate criticism, that is why they like to marry virgin. A woman needs to make sure she does not make a man feel wrong.
  • Don't offer a man advice unless he asks for it. Tell him you have confidence in his ability to work things out.
  • When dealing with an upset woman, do not offer solutions or invalidate her feelings - just show her you are listening
  • For a woman, sharing problems with her friends is a sign of trust and friendship
  • Men climb on their rock to solve problems. Women who follow them get kicked off.
  • A man is expected to communicate: a skill that does not come naturally to him. But these skills can be learned
  • Real men do cry, but only when the emotion segment of the brain is engaged. Suspect men who cry regularly in public.
  • For a man to feel energized, he needs an objective, a target to hit and a timetable.
  • Give women a sincere compliment with more details.

Chapter 7. Our chemical cocktail
  • Progesterone(causes parental & nurturing feeling) is released when a woman see a baby (teddy bears, short fat men with chubby cheeks)
  • Blond hair is a sign of high oestrogen and high fertility
  • Ninety percent of the people in prison are men (high testosterone)
  • Girls suffering PMT get lower scores in mathematical exams

Chapter 8. Boys will be boys,but not always
  • Scientists have shown that homosexuality is an orientation that is unalterable. It is not a choice

Chapter 9. Men, women and sex
  • Testosterone stimulates the desire for sex
  • Men are microwave, women are electric ovens. This explains the older man/younger woman combination.
  • When it comes to sex, women need a reason and men need a place
  • When men feel stress, he sees sex as a sleeping pill.
  • When men are asked about their relationship, they mentioned in terms of their partner's personal services (cook, iron his shirts, or massage his head). When a woman is asked, she describe based on the recent events (how attentive, his helpfulness and how much he has communicated with her)
  • The cleverer you are, the less sex you have
  • Sex increases your testosterone levels which fortify your bones and muscles and supply you a good level of cholesterol.
  • A woman wants lot of sex with the man she loves. A man wants lots of sex
  • Men wants women to dress tarts (but never in public)
  • Testicle size determines the males level of faithfulness or monogamy
  • Men are stimulated trough their eyes, women through their eyes
  • The combination of manly body and female values is usually found only in gay or effeminate men
  • Most women prefer sex with light out - they cant bear to see a man enjoying himself. Men like sex with the lights on - so they can get the woman's name right.

Chapter 10. Marriage, love and romance
  • Sex is the price women pay for marriage. Marriage is the price men pay for sex
  • At a base, men want a cross between their mother and a personal servant
  • Women recognizes when love does not exist. That's why they are much more proactive in finishing relationships.
  • Men can separate love from sex. For women, love and sex are inter wined. One equals the other.
  • A woman enters a new relationship looking for romance and love. Sex comes as a consequence. Men frequently enter a relationship through sex and then look to see if there could be the possibility of a relationship.
  • How do you know if a man is ready for sex? he's breathing
  • Some surefire romance tips for men:
  1. Set the environment
  2. Feed her
  3. Light a fire (cook)
  4. Bring flowers (new fresh flower brings another chance of romance)
  5. GO dancing
  6. Buy chocolate and champagne (contains chemical in increasing testosterone, except white chocolate and coffee)

  • The flower of love is the rose. After three days all the petals fall off and you are left with an ugly,prickly thing. Chances are both men and women do not have much in common or much to talk about. Finding the right partner means deciding what things you will have common with someone in long term
  • Men Men prefer to be touched in main one area, and as often as possible

Chapter 11. Towards a different future
Our biology has not changed much and mostly outdated. Despite the best intentions of equal opportunity employers, boys still stubbornly go into jobs with a mechanical and spatial bias and girls seem compelled to seek jobs involving human interaction.


Book: 我不是教你诈 2

  1. 人都是善中有恶, 恶中有善的
  2. 做一天和尚, 撞一天钟
  3. 用小题大作, 来避免小事变大
  4. 想让自己成功, 先得了解人性, 先得为别人着想
  5. 他吃不下, 也不让别人吃, 一口咬下, 含在嘴里, 不吞下去
  6. 消息不能提早走漏, 是为了减少阻力和对彼此的伤害
  7. 别跟不要命的人斗